Install the Arduino Software for the ESP32-C3
For the new AirGradient monitors we use the ESP32-C3-MINI microcontroller. This tutorial explains you how to set up the Arduino IDE for this microprocessor in order to flash the software.
Install the Arduino Software
a) Install the Arduino Software on your computer. Tested with Legacy IDE (1.8.19) for Mac.
b) Enable the ESP8266 board (Wemos D1 Mini). You need to enable the D1 mini board in the Arduino IDE by following these steps:
- Start Arduino and open the Settings.
- Enter into the Additional Board Manager URLs field.
- Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and find the ESP32 platform.
- Select 2.0.11 from a drop-down box.
- Click the install button.
- Install AirGradient 3.1.4 from Arduino Library Manager
- Select the firmware file from Files, Examples, AirGradient Air Quality Sensor (if you have an ONE or Open Air monitor, select OneOpenAir.ino)
- Make sure the following compile options are set:
- Set board to “ESP32C3 Dev Module”
- Upload speed “921600”
- Enable “USB CDC On Boot”
- CPU frequency “80Mhz”
- Flash frequency “80Mhz”
- Flash mode “QIO”
- Flash size “4MB”
- Partition scheme “Minimal SPIFFS (1.9MB APP with OTA/190KB SPIFFS)”
- Core debug level “info”
- JTAG adapter disabled
If you have any problems with the above, please do not hesitate to contact us!