AirGradient ONE can send the data not only to the AirGradient Cloud but also to a local or remote MQTT broker.
Protocol and Payload
Under Place/User Administration, General Place Settings, the MQTT broker can be added:
If your broker has a username and password it can be set in this pattern "mqtts://".
The payload is send under the following Topic: airgradient/readings/{{SENSOR SERIAL NR}}
And the payload is JSON structured:
wifi: WiFi Strength in DBm
ssid: Name of hotspot sensor is connected to
hwVersion: Hardware Version of Sensor
atmp: Temperature in °C
rhum: Relative Humidity in %
tvoc: Total Volatile Components in ppb
rco2: CO2 in ppm
pm01: PM1 in μg/m³
pm02: PM2.5 in μg/m³
pm10: PM10 in μg/m³